
Message from Managing Director

Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.

I was belonging to a small village of West Bengal, a place where many kids do not dare to dream big. I was blessed to have the support of my parents while growing up and now I am blessed too to have the support of my whole family and which made me a leading educationist of India. They believed in me and dreamed with me. Because of their trust, love and support, and all the hard work invested, I made my biggest dream “ANNEX LITTLE ME” come true.

Now it is a great pleasure to welcome you to ANNEX LITTLE ME.

I feel privileged to lead such an exciting and vibrant preschool chain, which offers great opportunities for children. ...I believe children are our future, so we have to teach them well and let them lead the way. We should show them all the beauty they possess inside. We have to give them a sense of pride to make it easier and let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be. At ANNEX LITTLE ME, we are very proud of our caring, inclusive ethos, concept of teaching arcades, proven and upgraded methodology of teaching, uses of L.T items and overall curriculum, where we set high standards and expectations for our students to achieve and behave their very best.
At ANNEX LITTLE ME children build their self-esteem. A child learns the importance of his own name, things and friends. Every child learns to communicate with his teachers and fellow students. It is the right place for the child’s foundation for lifelong progress. The skills and knowledge that the child develops here have a great impact on the aptitude and attitude of the child later in life.
This is the first exercise in which children are separated from the comfort and secure zone of their parents. Therefore, we maintain it as a place which is a second home to the child; a place, which has enough material to attract and make the child feel comfortable and secure.
Visitors are always welcome to make an appointment to visit your nearest ANNEX LITTLE ME School and see what we have to offer the children of our local community, talk to our staff and counsellors and see us in action.
I look forward to welcoming you to ensure the best standard of early care and childhood education and personal development for your child.

Thank you,

Sourajit Karmakar
" Founder, Managing Director Annex Little Me "